
Start by downloading the Nuget package.

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class Program
    static void Main()
        var awsKey = "AKIAJTGWYUCX6G7P2FOQ";
        var awsSecret = "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";
        var region = RegionEndpoint.USEast1;
        var appName = "YC-test";
        var streamName = "YC-test";
        var workerId = "PHANTOM-cs";

        Console.WriteLine("Starting client application...");

        var factory = new MyProcessorFactory();
        var app = 
                awsKey, awsSecret, region, appName, streamName, workerId, factory);

        app.OnInitialized += (_, evtArgs) => 
            Console.WriteLine("Client application started");
        app.OnBatchProcessed += (_, evtArgs) => 
            Console.WriteLine("Another batch processed...");

        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...");


The above example assumes existence of MyProcessorFactory.

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open ReactoKinesix
open ReactoKinesix.Model

public class MyProcessorFactory : IRecordProcessorFactory
    public IRecordProcessor CreateNew(string shardId)
        return new MyProcessor();

public class MyProcessor : IRecordProcessor
    public ProcessRecordsResult Process(
        string shardId, 
        Record[] records)
        foreach (var record in records)
            var msg = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(record.Data);
                "You got message [{0}] : {1}", 

        return new ProcessRecordsResult(Status.Success, true);

    public void OnMaxRetryExceeded(
        Record[] records, 
        ErrorHandlingMode errorHandlingMode)
            "Batch [count:{0}] failed.", 

    public void Dispose()
        Console.WriteLine("Processor disposed");
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